Entropic time-energy uncertainty relations: An algebraic approach
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.00799v1
- Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2020 11:59:34 GMT
- Title: Entropic time-energy uncertainty relations: An algebraic approach
- Authors: Christian Bertoni, Yuxiang Yang, Joseph M. Renes
- Abstract summary: We address uncertainty relations between time and energy or, more precisely, between measurements of an observable $G$ and the displacement $r$ of the $G$-generated evolution $e-ir G$.
We derive lower bounds on the entropic uncertainty in two frequently considered scenarios, which can be illustrated as two different guessing games in which the role of the guessers are fixed or not.
- Score: 9.881112657341788
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We address entropic uncertainty relations between time and energy or, more
precisely, between measurements of an observable $G$ and the displacement $r$
of the $G$-generated evolution $e^{-ir G}$. We derive lower bounds on the
entropic uncertainty in two frequently considered scenarios, which can be
illustrated as two different guessing games in which the role of the guessers
are fixed or not. In particular, our bound for the first game improves the
previous result by Coles et al.. Our derivation uses as a subroutine a recently
proposed novel algebraic method, which can in general be used to derive a wider
class of entropic uncertainty principles.
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