Optimal estimation of sparse topic models
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.07861v1
- Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 03:19:50 GMT
- Title: Optimal estimation of sparse topic models
- Authors: Xin Bing and Florentina Bunea and Marten Wegkamp
- Abstract summary: This paper studies the estimation of $A$ that is possibly element-wise sparse, and the number of topics $K$ is unknown.
We derive a new minimax lower bound for the estimation of such $A$ and propose a new computationally efficient algorithm for its recovery.
Our estimate adapts to the unknown sparsity of $A$ and our analysis is valid for any finite $n$, $p$, $K$ and document lengths.
- Score: 3.308743964406688
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Topic models have become popular tools for dimension reduction and
exploratory analysis of text data which consists in observed frequencies of a
vocabulary of $p$ words in $n$ documents, stored in a $p\times n$ matrix. The
main premise is that the mean of this data matrix can be factorized into a
product of two non-negative matrices: a $p\times K$ word-topic matrix $A$ and a
$K\times n$ topic-document matrix $W$. This paper studies the estimation of $A$
that is possibly element-wise sparse, and the number of topics $K$ is unknown.
In this under-explored context, we derive a new minimax lower bound for the
estimation of such $A$ and propose a new computationally efficient algorithm
for its recovery. We derive a finite sample upper bound for our estimator, and
show that it matches the minimax lower bound in many scenarios. Our estimate
adapts to the unknown sparsity of $A$ and our analysis is valid for any finite
$n$, $p$, $K$ and document lengths. Empirical results on both synthetic data
and semi-synthetic data show that our proposed estimator is a strong competitor
of the existing state-of-the-art algorithms for both non-sparse $A$ and sparse
$A$, and has superior performance is many scenarios of interest.
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