On Last-Layer Algorithms for Classification: Decoupling Representation
from Uncertainty Estimation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.08049v1
- Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 15:08:30 GMT
- Title: On Last-Layer Algorithms for Classification: Decoupling Representation
from Uncertainty Estimation
- Authors: Nicolas Brosse, Carlos Riquelme, Alice Martin, Sylvain Gelly, \'Eric
- Abstract summary: We propose a family of algorithms which split the classification task into two stages: representation learning and uncertainty estimation.
We evaluate their performance in terms of emphselective classification (risk-coverage), and their ability to detect out-of-distribution samples.
- Score: 27.077741143188867
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Uncertainty quantification for deep learning is a challenging open problem.
Bayesian statistics offer a mathematically grounded framework to reason about
uncertainties; however, approximate posteriors for modern neural networks still
require prohibitive computational costs. We propose a family of algorithms
which split the classification task into two stages: representation learning
and uncertainty estimation. We compare four specific instances, where
uncertainty estimation is performed via either an ensemble of Stochastic
Gradient Descent or Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics snapshots, an
ensemble of bootstrapped logistic regressions, or via a number of Monte Carlo
Dropout passes. We evaluate their performance in terms of \emph{selective}
classification (risk-coverage), and their ability to detect out-of-distribution
samples. Our experiments suggest there is limited value in adding multiple
uncertainty layers to deep classifiers, and we observe that these simple
methods strongly outperform a vanilla point-estimate SGD in some complex
benchmarks like ImageNet.
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