A dynamical mechanism for the Page curve from quantum chaos
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.05734v1
- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 19:00:03 GMT
- Title: A dynamical mechanism for the Page curve from quantum chaos
- Authors: Hong Liu and Shreya Vardhan
- Abstract summary: We show that the Page curve can result from a simple dynamical input in the evolution of the black hole.
We conjecture that void formation may provide a microscopic explanation for the recent semi-classical prescription of including islands in the calculation of the entanglement entropy of the radiation.
- Score: 8.020530603813416
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: If the evaporation of a black hole formed from a pure state is unitary, the
entanglement entropy of the Hawking radiation should follow the Page curve,
increasing from zero until near the halfway point of the evaporation, and then
decreasing back to zero. The general argument for the Page curve is based on
the assumption that the quantum state of the black hole plus radiation during
the evaporation process is typical. In this paper, we show that the Page curve
can result from a simple dynamical input in the evolution of the black hole,
based on a recently proposed signature of quantum chaos, without resorting to
typicality. Our argument is based on what we refer to as the "operator gas"
approach, which allows one to understand the evolution of the microstate of the
black hole from generic features of the Heisenberg evolution of operators. One
key feature which leads to the Page curve is the possibility of dynamical
processes where operators in the "gas" can "jump" outside the black hole, which
we refer to as void formation processes. Such processes are initially
exponentially suppressed, but dominate after a certain time scale, which can be
used as a dynamical definition of the Page time. In the Hayden-Preskill
protocol for young and old black holes, we show that void formation is also
responsible for the transfer of information from the black hole to the
radiation. We conjecture that void formation may provide a microscopic
explanation for the recent semi-classical prescription of including islands in
the calculation of the entanglement entropy of the radiation.
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