Generating lightwave-photon-and-magnon entanglement with a mechanical
oscillator as a "cold reservoir"
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:25:55 GMT
- Title: Generating lightwave-photon-and-magnon entanglement with a mechanical
oscillator as a "cold reservoir"
- Authors: Zhi-Bo Yang, Jin-Song Liu, Hua Jin, Qing-Hao Zhu, Hong-Yu Liu, Ai-Dong
Zhu, and Rong-Can Yang
- Abstract summary: We present a scheme to implement a steady lightwave-photon-and-magnon entanglement in a hybrid photon-magnon system.
The system consists of magnons, lightwave and microwave photons, and phonons.
- Score: 9.454668626382494
- License:
- Abstract: We present a scheme to implement a steady lightwave-photon-and-magnon
entanglement in a hybrid photon-magnon system by adiabatically eliminating the
auxiliary microwave cavity and effectively laser cooling a delocalized
Bogoliubov mode. The system consists of magnons, lightwave and microwave
photons, and phonons. The magnons are embodied by a collective motion of a
large number of spins in a macroscopic ferrimagnet. To achieve an entangling
interaction between magnons and lightwave photons, we drive optical cavity and
magnon at the red and blue sideband associated with the mechanical resonator.
In particular, optimizing the relative ratio of effect couplings, rather than
simply increasing their magnitudes, is essential for achieving strong
entanglement. Unlike typical dissipative entanglement schemes, our results
cannot be described by treating the effects of the entangling reservoir via a
Linblad master equation.
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