On Biased Compression for Distributed Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.12410v4
- Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2024 16:36:09 GMT
- Title: On Biased Compression for Distributed Learning
- Authors: Aleksandr Beznosikov and Samuel Horv\'ath and Peter Richt\'arik and
Mher Safaryan
- Abstract summary: We show for the first time that biased compressors can lead to linear convergence rates both in the single node and distributed settings.
We propose several new biased compressors with promising theoretical guarantees and practical performance.
- Score: 55.89300593805943
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In the last few years, various communication compression techniques have
emerged as an indispensable tool helping to alleviate the communication
bottleneck in distributed learning. However, despite the fact biased
compressors often show superior performance in practice when compared to the
much more studied and understood unbiased compressors, very little is known
about them. In this work we study three classes of biased compression
operators, two of which are new, and their performance when applied to
(stochastic) gradient descent and distributed (stochastic) gradient descent. We
show for the first time that biased compressors can lead to linear convergence
rates both in the single node and distributed settings. We prove that
distributed compressed SGD method, employed with error feedback mechanism,
enjoys the ergodic rate $O\left( \delta L \exp \left[-\frac{\mu K}{\delta
L}\right] + \frac{(C + \delta D)}{K\mu}\right)$, where $\delta\ge 1$ is a
compression parameter which grows when more compression is applied, $L$ and
$\mu$ are the smoothness and strong convexity constants, $C$ captures
stochastic gradient noise ($C=0$ if full gradients are computed on each node)
and $D$ captures the variance of the gradients at the optimum ($D=0$ for
over-parameterized models). Further, via a theoretical study of several
synthetic and empirical distributions of communicated gradients, we shed light
on why and by how much biased compressors outperform their unbiased variants.
Finally, we propose several new biased compressors with promising theoretical
guarantees and practical performance.
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