Educational Question Mining At Scale: Prediction, Analysis and
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- Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2021 04:04:32 GMT
- Title: Educational Question Mining At Scale: Prediction, Analysis and
- Authors: Zichao Wang, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Simon Woodhead, Jose Miguel
Hernandez-Lobato, Simon Peyton Jones, Richard G. Baraniuk, Cheng Zhang
- Abstract summary: We propose a framework for mining insights from educational questions at scale.
We utilize the state-of-the-art Bayesian deep learning method, in particular partial variational auto-encoders (p-VAE)
We apply our proposed framework to a real-world dataset with tens of thousands of questions and tens of millions of answers from an online education platform.
- Score: 35.42197158180065
- License:
- Abstract: Online education platforms enable teachers to share a large number of
educational resources such as questions to form exercises and quizzes for
students. With large volumes of available questions, it is important to have an
automated way to quantify their properties and intelligently select them for
students, enabling effective and personalized learning experiences. In this
work, we propose a framework for mining insights from educational questions at
scale. We utilize the state-of-the-art Bayesian deep learning method, in
particular partial variational auto-encoders (p-VAE), to analyze real students'
answers to a large collection of questions. Based on p-VAE, we propose two
novel metrics that quantify question quality and difficulty, respectively, and
a personalized strategy to adaptively select questions for students. We apply
our proposed framework to a real-world dataset with tens of thousands of
questions and tens of millions of answers from an online education platform.
Our framework not only demonstrates promising results in terms of statistical
metrics but also obtains highly consistent results with domain experts'
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