TAFSSL: Task-Adaptive Feature Sub-Space Learning for few-shot
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.06670v1
- Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2020 16:59:17 GMT
- Title: TAFSSL: Task-Adaptive Feature Sub-Space Learning for few-shot
- Authors: Moshe Lichtenstein and Prasanna Sattigeri and Rogerio Feris and Raja
Giryes and Leonid Karlinsky
- Abstract summary: We show that the Task-Adaptive Feature Sub-Space Learning (TAFSSL) can significantly boost the performance in Few-Shot Learning scenarios.
Specifically, we show that on the challenging miniImageNet and tieredImageNet benchmarks, TAFSSL can improve the current state-of-the-art in both transductive and semi-supervised FSL settings by more than $5%$.
- Score: 50.358839666165764
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The field of Few-Shot Learning (FSL), or learning from very few (typically
$1$ or $5$) examples per novel class (unseen during training), has received a
lot of attention and significant performance advances in the recent literature.
While number of techniques have been proposed for FSL, several factors have
emerged as most important for FSL performance, awarding SOTA even to the
simplest of techniques. These are: the backbone architecture (bigger is
better), type of pre-training on the base classes (meta-training vs regular
multi-class, currently regular wins), quantity and diversity of the base
classes set (the more the merrier, resulting in richer and better adaptive
features), and the use of self-supervised tasks during pre-training (serving as
a proxy for increasing the diversity of the base set). In this paper we propose
yet another simple technique that is important for the few shot learning
performance - a search for a compact feature sub-space that is discriminative
for a given few-shot test task. We show that the Task-Adaptive Feature
Sub-Space Learning (TAFSSL) can significantly boost the performance in FSL
scenarios when some additional unlabeled data accompanies the novel few-shot
task, be it either the set of unlabeled queries (transductive FSL) or some
additional set of unlabeled data samples (semi-supervised FSL). Specifically,
we show that on the challenging miniImageNet and tieredImageNet benchmarks,
TAFSSL can improve the current state-of-the-art in both transductive and
semi-supervised FSL settings by more than $5\%$, while increasing the benefit
of using unlabeled data in FSL to above $10\%$ performance gain.
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