Quantum Alice and Silent Bob: Qubit-based Quantum Key Recycling with
almost no classical communication
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.11799v1
- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 08:59:49 GMT
- Title: Quantum Alice and Silent Bob: Qubit-based Quantum Key Recycling with
almost no classical communication
- Authors: Daan Leermakers and Boris Skoric
- Abstract summary: We show that it is possible to put the message entirely in qubits without increasing the number of qubits.
We introduce a prepare-and-measure QKR protocol where the communication from Alice to Bob consists entirely of qubits.
- Score: 2.355458445741348
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We answer an open question about Quantum Key Recycling (QKR): Is it possible
to put the message entirely in the qubits without increasing the number of
qubits? We show that this is indeed possible. We introduce a
prepare-and-measure QKR protocol where the communication from Alice to Bob
consists entirely of qubits. As usual, Bob responds with an authenticated
one-bit accept/reject classical message. Compared to Quantum Key Distribution
(QKD), QKR has reduced round complexity. Compared to previous qubit-wise QKR
protocols, our scheme has far less classical communication. We provide a
security proof in the universal composability framework and find that the
communication rate is asymptotically the same as for QKD with one-way
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