Hierarchical Adaptive Contextual Bandits for Resource Constraint based
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01136v2
- Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 16:56:29 GMT
- Title: Hierarchical Adaptive Contextual Bandits for Resource Constraint based
- Authors: Mengyue Yang, Qingyang Li, Zhiwei Qin, Jieping Ye
- Abstract summary: Contextual multi-armed bandit (MAB) achieves cutting-edge performance on a variety of problems.
In this paper, we propose a hierarchical adaptive contextual bandit method (HATCH) to conduct the policy learning of contextual bandits with a budget constraint.
- Score: 49.69139684065241
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Contextual multi-armed bandit (MAB) achieves cutting-edge performance on a
variety of problems. When it comes to real-world scenarios such as
recommendation system and online advertising, however, it is essential to
consider the resource consumption of exploration. In practice, there is
typically non-zero cost associated with executing a recommendation (arm) in the
environment, and hence, the policy should be learned with a fixed exploration
cost constraint. It is challenging to learn a global optimal policy directly,
since it is a NP-hard problem and significantly complicates the exploration and
exploitation trade-off of bandit algorithms. Existing approaches focus on
solving the problems by adopting the greedy policy which estimates the expected
rewards and costs and uses a greedy selection based on each arm's expected
reward/cost ratio using historical observation until the exploration resource
is exhausted. However, existing methods are hard to extend to infinite time
horizon, since the learning process will be terminated when there is no more
resource. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical adaptive contextual bandit
method (HATCH) to conduct the policy learning of contextual bandits with a
budget constraint. HATCH adopts an adaptive method to allocate the exploration
resource based on the remaining resource/time and the estimation of reward
distribution among different user contexts. In addition, we utilize full of
contextual feature information to find the best personalized recommendation.
Finally, in order to prove the theoretical guarantee, we present a regret bound
analysis and prove that HATCH achieves a regret bound as low as $O(\sqrt{T})$.
The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the
proposed method on both synthetic data sets and the real-world applications.
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