Client Selection and Bandwidth Allocation in Wireless Federated Learning
Networks: A Long-Term Perspective
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- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 01:06:41 GMT
- Title: Client Selection and Bandwidth Allocation in Wireless Federated Learning
Networks: A Long-Term Perspective
- Authors: Jie Xu, Heqiang Wang
- Abstract summary: This paper studies federated learning (FL) in a classic wireless network, where learning clients share a common wireless link to a coordinating server to perform federated model training using their local data.
In such wireless federated learning networks (WFLNs), optimizing the learning performance crucially depends on how clients are selected and how bandwidth is allocated among the selected clients in every learning round, as both radio and client energy resources are limited.
- Score: 8.325089307976654
- License:
- Abstract: This paper studies federated learning (FL) in a classic wireless network,
where learning clients share a common wireless link to a coordinating server to
perform federated model training using their local data. In such wireless
federated learning networks (WFLNs), optimizing the learning performance
depends crucially on how clients are selected and how bandwidth is allocated
among the selected clients in every learning round, as both radio and client
energy resources are limited. While existing works have made some attempts to
allocate the limited wireless resources to optimize FL, they focus on the
problem in individual learning rounds, overlooking an inherent yet critical
feature of federated learning. This paper brings a new long-term perspective to
resource allocation in WFLNs, realizing that learning rounds are not only
temporally interdependent but also have varying significance towards the final
learning outcome. To this end, we first design data-driven experiments to show
that different temporal client selection patterns lead to considerably
different learning performance. With the obtained insights, we formulate a
stochastic optimization problem for joint client selection and bandwidth
allocation under long-term client energy constraints, and develop a new
algorithm that utilizes only currently available wireless channel information
but can achieve long-term performance guarantee. Further experiments show that
our algorithm results in the desired temporal client selection pattern, is
adaptive to changing network environments and far outperforms benchmarks that
ignore the long-term effect of FL.
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