Multi-Resolution A*
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 17:38:11 GMT
- Title: Multi-Resolution A*
- Authors: Wei Du, Fahad Islam and Maxim Likhachev
- Abstract summary: Heuristic search-based planning techniques are commonly used for motion planning on discretized spaces.
We propose Multi-Resolution A* algorithm, that runs multiple weighted-A*(WA*) searches having different resolution levels simultaneously.
We show that MRA* is bounded suboptimal with respect to the anchor resolution search space and resolution complete.
- Score: 19.562565022582785
- License:
- Abstract: Heuristic search-based planning techniques are commonly used for motion
planning on discretized spaces. The performance of these algorithms is heavily
affected by the resolution at which the search space is discretized. Typically
a fixed resolution is chosen for a given domain. While a finer resolution
allows for better maneuverability, it significantly increases the size of the
state space, and hence demands more search efforts. On the contrary, a coarser
resolution gives a fast exploratory behavior but compromises on maneuverability
and the completeness of the search. To effectively leverage the advantages of
both high and low resolution discretizations, we propose Multi-Resolution A*
(MRA*) algorithm, that runs multiple weighted-A*(WA*) searches having different
resolution levels simultaneously and combines the strengths of all of them. In
addition to these searches, MRA* uses one anchor search to control expansions
from these searches. We show that MRA* is bounded suboptimal with respect to
the anchor resolution search space and resolution complete. We performed
experiments on several motion planning domains including 2D, 3D grid planning
and 7 DOF manipulation planning and compared our approach with several
search-based and sampling-based baselines.
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