Classification and Clustering of arXiv Documents, Sections, and
Abstracts, Comparing Encodings of Natural and Mathematical Language
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- Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 06:16:32 GMT
- Title: Classification and Clustering of arXiv Documents, Sections, and
Abstracts, Comparing Encodings of Natural and Mathematical Language
- Authors: Philipp Scharpf, Moritz Schubotz, Abdou Youssef, Felix Hamborg, Norman
Meuschke, Bela Gipp
- Abstract summary: We show how selecting and combining encodings of natural and mathematical language affect classification and clustering of documents with mathematical content.
Our encodings achieve classification accuracies up to $82.8%$ and cluster purities up to $69.4%$.
We show that the computer outperforms a human expert when classifying documents.
- Score: 8.522576207528017
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we show how selecting and combining encodings of natural and
mathematical language affect classification and clustering of documents with
mathematical content. We demonstrate this by using sets of documents, sections,
and abstracts from the arXiv preprint server that are labeled by their subject
class (mathematics, computer science, physics, etc.) to compare different
encodings of text and formulae and evaluate the performance and runtimes of
selected classification and clustering algorithms. Our encodings achieve
classification accuracies up to $82.8\%$ and cluster purities up to $69.4\%$
(number of clusters equals number of classes), and $99.9\%$ (unspecified number
of clusters) respectively. We observe a relatively low correlation between text
and math similarity, which indicates the independence of text and formulae and
motivates treating them as separate features of a document. The classification
and clustering can be employed, e.g., for document search and recommendation.
Furthermore, we show that the computer outperforms a human expert when
classifying documents. Finally, we evaluate and discuss multi-label
classification and formula semantification.
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