Glottal source estimation robustness: A comparison of sensitivity of
voice source estimation techniques
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 08:13:47 GMT
- Title: Glottal source estimation robustness: A comparison of sensitivity of
voice source estimation techniques
- Authors: Thomas Drugman, Thomas Dubuisson, Alexis Moinet, Nicolas D'Alessandro,
Thierry Dutoit
- Abstract summary: This paper addresses the problem of estimating the voice source directly from speech waveforms.
A novel principle based on Anticausality Dominated Regions (ACDR) is used to estimate the glottal open phase.
- Score: 11.97036509133719
- License:
- Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of estimating the voice source directly from
speech waveforms. A novel principle based on Anticausality Dominated Regions
(ACDR) is used to estimate the glottal open phase. This technique is compared
to two other state-of-the-art well-known methods, namely the Zeros of the
Z-Transform (ZZT) and the Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering (IAIF)
algorithms. Decomposition quality is assessed on synthetic signals through two
objective measures: the spectral distortion and a glottal formant determination
rate. Technique robustness is tested by analyzing the influence of noise and
Glottal Closure Instant (GCI) location errors. Besides impacts of the
fundamental frequency and the first formant on the performance are evaluated.
Our proposed approach shows significant improvement in robustness, which could
be of a great interest when decomposing real speech.
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