High-Resolution Image Inpainting with Iterative Confidence Feedback and
Guided Upsampling
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.11742v2
- Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 05:52:30 GMT
- Title: High-Resolution Image Inpainting with Iterative Confidence Feedback and
Guided Upsampling
- Authors: Yu Zeng, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Jianming Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Huchuan
- Abstract summary: Existing image inpainting methods often produce artifacts when dealing with large holes in real applications.
We propose an iterative inpainting method with a feedback mechanism.
Experiments show that our method significantly outperforms existing methods in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
- Score: 122.06593036862611
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Existing image inpainting methods often produce artifacts when dealing with
large holes in real applications. To address this challenge, we propose an
iterative inpainting method with a feedback mechanism. Specifically, we
introduce a deep generative model which not only outputs an inpainting result
but also a corresponding confidence map. Using this map as feedback, it
progressively fills the hole by trusting only high-confidence pixels inside the
hole at each iteration and focuses on the remaining pixels in the next
iteration. As it reuses partial predictions from the previous iterations as
known pixels, this process gradually improves the result. In addition, we
propose a guided upsampling network to enable generation of high-resolution
inpainting results. We achieve this by extending the Contextual Attention
module to borrow high-resolution feature patches in the input image.
Furthermore, to mimic real object removal scenarios, we collect a large object
mask dataset and synthesize more realistic training data that better simulates
user inputs. Experiments show that our method significantly outperforms
existing methods in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. More results
and Web APP are available at https://zengxianyu.github.io/iic.
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