Kernel methods library for pattern analysis and machine learning in
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 27 May 2020 16:44:42 GMT
- Title: Kernel methods library for pattern analysis and machine learning in
- Authors: Pradeep Reddy Raamana
- Abstract summary: The kernelmethods library fills that important void in the python ML ecosystem in a domain-agnostic fashion.
The library provides a number of well-defined classes to make various kernel-based operations efficient.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Kernel methods have proven to be powerful techniques for pattern analysis and
machine learning (ML) in a variety of domains. However, many of their original
or advanced implementations remain in Matlab. With the incredible rise and
adoption of Python in the ML and data science world, there is a clear need for
a well-defined library that enables not only the use of popular kernels, but
also allows easy definition of customized kernels to fine-tune them for diverse
applications. The kernelmethods library fills that important void in the python
ML ecosystem in a domain-agnostic fashion, allowing the sample data type to be
anything from numerical, categorical, graphs or a combination of them. In
addition, this library provides a number of well-defined classes to make
various kernel-based operations efficient (for large scale datasets), modular
(for ease of domain adaptation), and inter-operable (across different
ecosystems). The library is available at
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