On Voronoi diagrams and dual Delaunay complexes on the
information-geometric Cauchy manifolds
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.07020v2
- Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2020 10:34:42 GMT
- Title: On Voronoi diagrams and dual Delaunay complexes on the
information-geometric Cauchy manifolds
- Authors: Frank Nielsen
- Abstract summary: We study the Voronoi diagrams of a finite set of Cauchy distributions and their dual complexes from the viewpoint of information geometry.
We prove that the Voronoi diagrams of the Fisher-Rao distance, the chi square divergence, and the Kullback-Leibler divergences all coincide with a hyperbolic Voronoi diagram on the corresponding Cauchy location-scale parameters.
- Score: 12.729120803225065
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We study the Voronoi diagrams of a finite set of Cauchy distributions and
their dual complexes from the viewpoint of information geometry by considering
the Fisher-Rao distance, the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the chi square
divergence, and a flat divergence derived from Tsallis' quadratic entropy
related to the conformal flattening of the Fisher-Rao curved geometry. We prove
that the Voronoi diagrams of the Fisher-Rao distance, the chi square
divergence, and the Kullback-Leibler divergences all coincide with a hyperbolic
Voronoi diagram on the corresponding Cauchy location-scale parameters, and that
the dual Cauchy hyperbolic Delaunay complexes are Fisher orthogonal to the
Cauchy hyperbolic Voronoi diagrams. The dual Voronoi diagrams with respect to
the dual forward/reverse flat divergences amount to dual Bregman Voronoi
diagrams, and their dual complexes are regular triangulations. The primal
Bregman-Tsallis Voronoi diagram corresponds to the hyperbolic Voronoi diagram
and the dual Bregman-Tsallis Voronoi diagram coincides with the ordinary
Euclidean Voronoi diagram. Besides, we prove that the square root of the
Kullback-Leibler divergence between Cauchy distributions yields a metric
distance which is Hilbertian for the Cauchy scale families.
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