Branch-Cooperative OSNet for Person Re-Identification
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2020 14:09:23 GMT
- Title: Branch-Cooperative OSNet for Person Re-Identification
- Authors: Lei Zhang, Xiaofu Wu, Suofei Zhang and Zirui Yin
- Abstract summary: We propose a branch-cooperative architecture over OSNet, termed BC-OSNet, for person Re-ID.
BC-OSNet achieves state-of-art performance on three popular datasets.
- Score: 12.805388189354108
- License:
- Abstract: Multi-branch is extensively studied for learning rich feature representation
for person re-identification (Re-ID). In this paper, we propose a
branch-cooperative architecture over OSNet, termed BC-OSNet, for person Re-ID.
By stacking four cooperative branches, namely, a global branch, a local branch,
a relational branch and a contrastive branch, we obtain powerful feature
representation for person Re-ID. Extensive experiments show that the proposed
BC-OSNet achieves state-of-art performance on the three popular datasets,
including Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03. In particular, it achieves mAP
of 84.0% and rank-1 accuracy of 87.1% on the CUHK03_labeled.
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