Fundamental Limits of Ridge-Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization in
High Dimensions
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2020 23:54:29 GMT
- Title: Fundamental Limits of Ridge-Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization in
High Dimensions
- Authors: Hossein Taheri, Ramtin Pedarsani, and Christos Thrampoulidis
- Abstract summary: Empirical Risk Minimization algorithms are widely used in a variety of estimation and prediction tasks.
In this paper, we characterize for the first time the fundamental limits on the statistical accuracy of convex ERM for inference.
- Score: 41.7567932118769
- License:
- Abstract: Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) algorithms are widely used in a variety of
estimation and prediction tasks in signal-processing and machine learning
applications. Despite their popularity, a theory that explains their
statistical properties in modern regimes where both the number of measurements
and the number of unknown parameters is large is only recently emerging. In
this paper, we characterize for the first time the fundamental limits on the
statistical accuracy of convex ERM for inference in high-dimensional
generalized linear models. For a stylized setting with Gaussian features and
problem dimensions that grow large at a proportional rate, we start with sharp
performance characterizations and then derive tight lower bounds on the
estimation and prediction error that hold over a wide class of loss functions
and for any value of the regularization parameter. Our precise analysis has
several attributes. First, it leads to a recipe for optimally tuning the loss
function and the regularization parameter. Second, it allows to precisely
quantify the sub-optimality of popular heuristic choices: for instance, we show
that optimally-tuned least-squares is (perhaps surprisingly) approximately
optimal for standard logistic data, but the sub-optimality gap grows
drastically as the signal strength increases. Third, we use the bounds to
precisely assess the merits of ridge-regularization as a function of the
over-parameterization ratio. Notably, our bounds are expressed in terms of the
Fisher Information of random variables that are simple functions of the data
distribution, thus making ties to corresponding bounds in classical statistics.
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