Flatness is a False Friend
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.09091v1
- Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 11:55:24 GMT
- Title: Flatness is a False Friend
- Authors: Diego Granziol
- Abstract summary: Hessian based measures of flatness have been argued, used and shown to relate to generalisation.
We show that for feed forward neural networks under the cross entropy loss, we would expect low loss solutions with large weights to have small Hessian based measures of flatness.
- Score: 0.7614628596146599
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Hessian based measures of flatness, such as the trace, Frobenius and spectral
norms, have been argued, used and shown to relate to generalisation. In this
paper we demonstrate that for feed forward neural networks under the cross
entropy loss, we would expect low loss solutions with large weights to have
small Hessian based measures of flatness. This implies that solutions obtained
using $L2$ regularisation should in principle be sharper than those without,
despite generalising better. We show this to be true for logistic regression,
multi-layer perceptrons, simple convolutional, pre-activated and wide residual
networks on the MNIST and CIFAR-$100$ datasets. Furthermore, we show that for
adaptive optimisation algorithms using iterate averaging, on the VGG-$16$
network and CIFAR-$100$ dataset, achieve superior generalisation to SGD but are
$30 \times$ sharper. This theoretical finding, along with experimental results,
raises serious questions about the validity of Hessian based sharpness measures
in the discussion of generalisation. We further show that the Hessian rank can
be bounded by the a constant times number of neurons multiplied by the number
of classes, which in practice is often a small fraction of the network
parameters. This explains the curious observation that many Hessian eigenvalues
are either zero or very near zero which has been reported in the literature.
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