Reverse Euclidean and Gaussian isoperimetric inequalities for parallel
sets with applications
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- Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 02:47:10 GMT
- Title: Reverse Euclidean and Gaussian isoperimetric inequalities for parallel
sets with applications
- Authors: Varun Jog
- Abstract summary: We show that the surface area of an $r$-parallel set in $mathbb Rd$ with volume at most $V$ is upper-bounded by $eTheta(d)V/r$, whereas its Gaussian surface area is upper-bounded by $max(eTheta(d), eTheta(d)/r)$.
We also derive a reverse form of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for $r$-parallel sets, and as an aside a reverse entropy power inequality for Gaussian-smoothed random variables
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The $r$-parallel set of a measurable set $A \subseteq \mathbb R^d$ is the set
of all points whose distance from $A$ is at most $r$. In this paper, we show
that the surface area of an $r$-parallel set in $\mathbb R^d$ with volume at
most $V$ is upper-bounded by $e^{\Theta(d)}V/r$, whereas its Gaussian surface
area is upper-bounded by $\max(e^{\Theta(d)}, e^{\Theta(d)}/r)$. We also derive
a reverse form of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for $r$-parallel sets, and as
an aside a reverse entropy power inequality for Gaussian-smoothed random
variables. We apply our results to two problems in theoretical machine
learning: (1) bounding the computational complexity of learning $r$-parallel
sets under a Gaussian distribution; and (2) bounding the sample complexity of
estimating robust risk, which is a notion of risk in the adversarial machine
learning literature that is analogous to the Bayes risk in hypothesis testing.
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