How isotropic kernels perform on simple invariants
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- Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 20:20:51 GMT
- Title: How isotropic kernels perform on simple invariants
- Authors: Jonas Paccolat, Stefano Spigler and Matthieu Wyart
- Abstract summary: We investigate how the training curve of isotropic kernel methods depends on the symmetry of the task to be learned.
We show that for large bandwidth, $beta = fracd-1+xi3d-3+xi$, where $xiin (0,2)$ is the exponent characterizing the stripe of the kernel at the origin.
- Score: 0.5729426778193397
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- Abstract: We investigate how the training curve of isotropic kernel methods depends on
the symmetry of the task to be learned, in several settings. (i) We consider a
regression task, where the target function is a Gaussian random field that
depends only on $d_\parallel$ variables, fewer than the input dimension $d$. We
compute the expected test error $\epsilon$ that follows $\epsilon\sim
p^{-\beta}$ where $p$ is the size of the training set. We find that $\beta\sim
1/d$ independently of $d_\parallel$, supporting previous findings that the
presence of invariants does not resolve the curse of dimensionality for kernel
regression. (ii) Next we consider support-vector binary classification and
introduce the stripe model where the data label depends on a single coordinate
$y(\underline{x}) = y(x_1)$, corresponding to parallel decision boundaries
separating labels of different signs, and consider that there is no margin at
these interfaces. We argue and confirm numerically that for large bandwidth,
$\beta = \frac{d-1+\xi}{3d-3+\xi}$, where $\xi\in (0,2)$ is the exponent
characterizing the singularity of the kernel at the origin. This estimation
improves classical bounds obtainable from Rademacher complexity. In this
setting there is no curse of dimensionality since $\beta\rightarrow 1 / 3$ as
$d\rightarrow\infty$. (iii) We confirm these findings for the spherical model
for which $y(\underline{x}) = y(|\underline{x}|)$. (iv) In the stripe model, we
show that if the data are compressed along their invariants by some factor
$\lambda$ (an operation believed to take place in deep networks), the test
error is reduced by a factor $\lambda^{-\frac{2(d-1)}{3d-3+\xi}}$.
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