Hybrid Tensor Decomposition in Neural Network Compression
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.15938v3
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 02:14:21 GMT
- Title: Hybrid Tensor Decomposition in Neural Network Compression
- Authors: Bijiao Wu, Dingheng Wang, Guangshe Zhao, Lei Deng and Guoqi Li
- Abstract summary: We introduce the hierarchical Tucker (HT) decomposition method to investigate its capability in neural network compression.
We experimentally discover that the HT format has better performance on compressing weight matrices, while the TT format is more suited for compressing convolutional kernels.
- Score: 13.146051056642904
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have enabled impressive breakthroughs in various
artificial intelligence (AI) applications recently due to its capability of
learning high-level features from big data. However, the current demand of DNNs
for computational resources especially the storage consumption is growing due
to that the increasing sizes of models are being required for more and more
complicated applications. To address this problem, several tensor decomposition
methods including tensor-train (TT) and tensor-ring (TR) have been applied to
compress DNNs and shown considerable compression effectiveness. In this work,
we introduce the hierarchical Tucker (HT), a classical but rarely-used tensor
decomposition method, to investigate its capability in neural network
compression. We convert the weight matrices and convolutional kernels to both
HT and TT formats for comparative study, since the latter is the most widely
used decomposition method and the variant of HT. We further theoretically and
experimentally discover that the HT format has better performance on
compressing weight matrices, while the TT format is more suited for compressing
convolutional kernels. Based on this phenomenon we propose a strategy of hybrid
tensor decomposition by combining TT and HT together to compress convolutional
and fully connected parts separately and attain better accuracy than only using
the TT or HT format on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our work
illuminates the prospects of hybrid tensor decomposition for neural network
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