Block Model Guided Unsupervised Feature Selection
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- Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2020 16:19:47 GMT
- Title: Block Model Guided Unsupervised Feature Selection
- Authors: Zilong Bai, Hoa Nguyen, Ian Davidson
- Abstract summary: We present a novel approach for graph-driven unsupervised feature selection for linked data.
We take the novel approach of first building a block model on the graph and then using the block model for feature selection.
Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state of the art on several real-world public datasets.
- Score: 32.21728295212875
- License:
- Abstract: Feature selection is a core area of data mining with a recent innovation of
graph-driven unsupervised feature selection for linked data. In this setting we
have a dataset $\mathbf{Y}$ consisting of $n$ instances each with $m$ features
and a corresponding $n$ node graph (whose adjacency matrix is $\mathbf{A}$)
with an edge indicating that the two instances are similar. Existing efforts
for unsupervised feature selection on attributed networks have explored either
directly regenerating the links by solving for $f$ such that
$f(\mathbf{y}_i,\mathbf{y}_j) \approx \mathbf{A}_{i,j}$ or finding community
structure in $\mathbf{A}$ and using the features in $\mathbf{Y}$ to predict
these communities. However, graph-driven unsupervised feature selection remains
an understudied area with respect to exploring more complex guidance. Here we
take the novel approach of first building a block model on the graph and then
using the block model for feature selection. That is, we discover
$\mathbf{F}\mathbf{M}\mathbf{F}^T \approx \mathbf{A}$ and then find a subset of
features $\mathcal{S}$ that induces another graph to preserve both $\mathbf{F}$
and $\mathbf{M}$. We call our approach Block Model Guided Unsupervised Feature
Selection (BMGUFS). Experimental results show that our method outperforms the
state of the art on several real-world public datasets in finding high-quality
features for clustering.
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