Robust Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandits
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- Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2021 14:25:23 GMT
- Title: Robust Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandits
- Authors: Daniel Vial, Sanjay Shakkottai, R. Srikant
- Abstract summary: Recent works have shown that agents facing independent instances of a $K$-armed bandit can collaborate to decrease regret.
We show that collaboration indeed decreases regret for this algorithm, assuming $m$ is small compared to $K$ but without assumptions on malicious agents' behavior.
- Score: 26.26185074977412
- License:
- Abstract: Recent works have shown that agents facing independent instances of a
stochastic $K$-armed bandit can collaborate to decrease regret. However, these
works assume that each agent always recommends their individual best-arm
estimates to other agents, which is unrealistic in envisioned applications
(machine faults in distributed computing or spam in social recommendation
systems). Hence, we generalize the setting to include $n$ honest and $m$
malicious agents who recommend best-arm estimates and arbitrary arms,
respectively. We first show that even with a single malicious agent, existing
collaboration-based algorithms fail to improve regret guarantees over a
single-agent baseline. We propose a scheme where honest agents learn who is
malicious and dynamically reduce communication with (i.e., "block") them. We
show that collaboration indeed decreases regret for this algorithm, assuming
$m$ is small compared to $K$ but without assumptions on malicious agents'
behavior, thus ensuring that our algorithm is robust against any malicious
recommendation strategy.
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