Differential Replication in Machine Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.07981v1
- Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2020 20:26:49 GMT
- Title: Differential Replication in Machine Learning
- Authors: Irene Unceta, Jordi Nin and Oriol Pujol
- Abstract summary: We propose a solution based on reusing the knowledge acquired by the already deployed machine learning models.
This is the idea behind differential replication of machine learning models.
- Score: 0.90238471756546
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: When deployed in the wild, machine learning models are usually confronted
with data and requirements that constantly vary, either because of changes in
the generating distribution or because external constraints change the
environment where the model operates. To survive in such an ecosystem, machine
learning models need to adapt to new conditions by evolving over time. The idea
of model adaptability has been studied from different perspectives. In this
paper, we propose a solution based on reusing the knowledge acquired by the
already deployed machine learning models and leveraging it to train future
generations. This is the idea behind differential replication of machine
learning models.
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