Sauter-Schwinger effect in a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductor
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- Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 09:29:34 GMT
- Title: Sauter-Schwinger effect in a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductor
- Authors: Paolo Solinas, Andrea Amoretti and Francesco Giazotto
- Abstract summary: We show that an electrostatic field can generate two coherent excitations from the superconducting ground-state condensate.
Differently from the dissipative thermal excitation, these form a new macroscopically coherent and dissipationless state.
Our results pave the way to the understanding and exploitation of the interaction between superconductors and electric fields.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: From the sixties a deep and surprising connection has followed the
development of superconductivity and quantum field theory. The Anderson-Higgs
mechanism and the similarities between the Dirac and Bogoliubov-de Gennes
equations are the most intriguing examples. In this last analogy, the massive
Dirac particle is identified with a quasiparticle excitation and the fermion
mass energy with the superconducting gap energy. Here we follow further this
parallelism and show that it predicts an outstanding phenomenon: the
superconducting Schwinger effect (SSE). As in the quantum electrodynamics
Schwinger effect, where an electron-positron couple is created from the vacuum
by an intense electric field, we show that an electrostatic field can generate
two coherent excitations from the superconducting ground-state condensate.
Differently from the dissipative thermal excitation, these form a new
macroscopically coherent and dissipationless state. We discuss how the
superconducting state is weakened by the creation of this kind of excitations.
In addition to shed a different light and suggest a method for the experimental
verification of the Schwinger effect, our results pave the way to the
understanding and exploitation of the interaction between superconductors and
electric fields.
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