Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization: Sparsity-based Identifiability
and Provably Correct Algorithms
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 14:01:58 GMT
- Title: Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization: Sparsity-based Identifiability
and Provably Correct Algorithms
- Authors: Maryam Abdolali, Nicolas Gillis
- Abstract summary: We provide novel algorithms with identifiability guarantees for simplex-structured matrix factorization.
We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach on synthetic data sets and hyperspectral images.
- Score: 21.737226432466496
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we provide novel algorithms with identifiability guarantees
for simplex-structured matrix factorization (SSMF), a generalization of
nonnegative matrix factorization. Current state-of-the-art algorithms that
provide identifiability results for SSMF rely on the sufficiently scattered
condition (SSC) which requires the data points to be well spread within the
convex hull of the basis vectors. The conditions under which our proposed
algorithms recover the unique decomposition is in most cases much weaker than
the SSC. We only require to have $d$ points on each facet of the convex hull of
the basis vectors whose dimension is $d-1$. The key idea is based on extracting
facets containing the largest number of points. We illustrate the effectiveness
of our approach on synthetic data sets and hyperspectral images, showing that
it outperforms state-of-the-art SSMF algorithms as it is able to handle higher
noise levels, rank deficient matrices, outliers, and input data that highly
violates the SSC.
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