Leverage Unlabeled Data for Abstractive Speech Summarization with
Self-Supervised Learning and Back-Summarization
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.15296v2
- Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 10:12:03 GMT
- Title: Leverage Unlabeled Data for Abstractive Speech Summarization with
Self-Supervised Learning and Back-Summarization
- Authors: Paul Tardy, Louis de Seynes, Fran\c{c}ois Hernandez, Vincent Nguyen,
David Janiszek, Yannick Est\`eve
- Abstract summary: Supervised approaches for Neural Abstractive Summarization require large annotated corpora that are costly to build.
We present a French meeting summarization task where reports are predicted based on the automatic transcription of the meeting audio recordings.
We report large improvements compared to the previous baseline for both approaches on two evaluation sets.
- Score: 6.465251961564605
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Supervised approaches for Neural Abstractive Summarization require large
annotated corpora that are costly to build. We present a French meeting
summarization task where reports are predicted based on the automatic
transcription of the meeting audio recordings. In order to build a corpus for
this task, it is necessary to obtain the (automatic or manual) transcription of
each meeting, and then to segment and align it with the corresponding manual
report to produce training examples suitable for training. On the other hand,
we have access to a very large amount of unaligned data, in particular reports
without corresponding transcription. Reports are professionally written and
well formatted making pre-processing straightforward. In this context, we study
how to take advantage of this massive amount of unaligned data using two
approaches (i) self-supervised pre-training using a target-side denoising
encoder-decoder model; (ii) back-summarization i.e. reversing the summarization
process by learning to predict the transcription given the report, in order to
align single reports with generated transcription, and use this synthetic
dataset for further training. We report large improvements compared to the
previous baseline (trained on aligned data only) for both approaches on two
evaluation sets. Moreover, combining the two gives even better results,
outperforming the baseline by a large margin of +6 ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-L and +5
ROUGE-2 on two evaluation sets
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