"This is Houston. Say again, please". The Behavox system for the
Apollo-11 Fearless Steps Challenge (phase II)
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.01504v1
- Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2020 13:18:28 GMT
- Title: "This is Houston. Say again, please". The Behavox system for the
Apollo-11 Fearless Steps Challenge (phase II)
- Authors: Arseniy Gorin, Daniil Kulko, Steven Grima, Alex Glasman
- Abstract summary: We describe the speech activity detection (SAD), speaker diarization (SD), and automatic speech recognition (ASR) experiments conducted by the Behavox team for the Interspeech 2020 Fearless Steps Challenge (FSC-2)
A relatively small amount of labeled data, a large variety of speakers and channel distortions, specific lexicon and speaking style resulted in high error rates on the systems which involved this data.
For all systems, we report substantial performance improvements compared to the FSC-2 baseline systems.
- Score: 3.3263205689999453
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We describe the speech activity detection (SAD), speaker diarization (SD),
and automatic speech recognition (ASR) experiments conducted by the Behavox
team for the Interspeech 2020 Fearless Steps Challenge (FSC-2). A relatively
small amount of labeled data, a large variety of speakers and channel
distortions, specific lexicon and speaking style resulted in high error rates
on the systems which involved this data. In addition to approximately 36 hours
of annotated NASA mission recordings, the organizers provided a much larger but
unlabeled 19k hour Apollo-11 corpus that we also explore for semi-supervised
training of ASR acoustic and language models, observing more than 17% relative
word error rate improvement compared to training on the FSC-2 data only. We
also compare several SAD and SD systems to approach the most difficult tracks
of the challenge (track 1 for diarization and ASR), where long 30-minute audio
recordings are provided for evaluation without segmentation or speaker
information. For all systems, we report substantial performance improvements
compared to the FSC-2 baseline systems, and achieved a first-place ranking for
SD and ASR and fourth-place for SAD in the challenge.
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