Holdout SGD: Byzantine Tolerant Federated Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.04612v1
- Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 10:16:37 GMT
- Title: Holdout SGD: Byzantine Tolerant Federated Learning
- Authors: Shahar Azulay, Lior Raz, Amir Globerson, Tomer Koren, Yehuda Afek
- Abstract summary: This work presents a new distributed Byzantine tolerant federated learning algorithm, HoldOut SGD, for Gradient Descent (SGD) optimization.
HoldOut SGD uses the well known machine learning technique of holdout estimation, in a distributed fashion, in order to select parameter updates that are likely to lead to models with low loss values.
We provide formal guarantees for the HoldOut SGD process in terms of its convergence to the optimal model, and its level of resilience to the fraction of Byzantine workers.
- Score: 43.446891082719944
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This work presents a new distributed Byzantine tolerant federated learning
algorithm, HoldOut SGD, for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimization.
HoldOut SGD uses the well known machine learning technique of holdout
estimation, in a distributed fashion, in order to select parameter updates that
are likely to lead to models with low loss values. This makes it more effective
at discarding Byzantine workers inputs than existing methods that eliminate
outliers in the parameter-space of the learned model. HoldOut SGD first
randomly selects a set of workers that use their private data in order to
propose gradient updates. Next, a voting committee of workers is randomly
selected, and each voter uses its private data as holdout data, in order to
select the best proposals via a voting scheme. We propose two possible
mechanisms for the coordination of workers in the distributed computation of
HoldOut SGD. The first uses a truthful central server and corresponds to the
typical setting of current federated learning. The second is fully distributed
and requires no central server, paving the way to fully decentralized federated
learning. The fully distributed version implements HoldOut SGD via ideas from
the blockchain domain, and specifically the Algorand committee selection and
consensus processes. We provide formal guarantees for the HoldOut SGD process
in terms of its convergence to the optimal model, and its level of resilience
to the fraction of Byzantine workers. Empirical evaluation shows that HoldOut
SGD is Byzantine-resilient and efficiently converges to an effectual model for
deep-learning tasks, as long as the total number of participating workers is
large and the fraction of Byzantine workers is less than half (<1/3 for the
fully distributed variant).
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