Metrics for Multi-Class Classification: an Overview
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 08:41:44 GMT
- Title: Metrics for Multi-Class Classification: an Overview
- Authors: Margherita Grandini, Enrico Bagli, Giorgio Visani
- Abstract summary: Classification tasks involving more than two classes are known as "multi-class classification"
Performance indicators are very useful when the aim is to evaluate and compare different classification models or machine learning techniques.
- Score: 0.9176056742068814
- License:
- Abstract: Classification tasks in machine learning involving more than two classes are
known by the name of "multi-class classification". Performance indicators are
very useful when the aim is to evaluate and compare different classification
models or machine learning techniques. Many metrics come in handy to test the
ability of a multi-class classifier. Those metrics turn out to be useful at
different stage of the development process, e.g. comparing the performance of
two different models or analysing the behaviour of the same model by tuning
different parameters. In this white paper we review a list of the most
promising multi-class metrics, we highlight their advantages and disadvantages
and show their possible usages during the development of a classification
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