Stochastic Adaptive Line Search for Differentially Private Optimization
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- Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 05:49:54 GMT
- Title: Stochastic Adaptive Line Search for Differentially Private Optimization
- Authors: Chen Chen, Jaewoo Lee
- Abstract summary: The performance of private gradient-based optimization algorithms is highly dependent on the choice step size (or learning rate)
We introduce a variant of classic non-trivial line search algorithm that adjusts the privacy gradient according to the reliability of noisy gradient.
We show that the adaptively chosen step sizes allow the proposed algorithm to efficiently use the privacy budget and show competitive performance against existing private gradients.
- Score: 6.281099620056346
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- Abstract: The performance of private gradient-based optimization algorithms is highly
dependent on the choice of step size (or learning rate) which often requires
non-trivial amount of tuning. In this paper, we introduce a stochastic variant
of classic backtracking line search algorithm that satisfies R\'enyi
differential privacy. Specifically, the proposed algorithm adaptively chooses
the step size satsisfying the the Armijo condition (with high probability)
using noisy gradients and function estimates. Furthermore, to improve the
probability with which the chosen step size satisfies the condition, it adjusts
per-iteration privacy budget during runtime according to the reliability of
noisy gradient. A naive implementation of the backtracking search algorithm may
end up using unacceptably large privacy budget as the ability of adaptive step
size selection comes at the cost of extra function evaluations. The proposed
algorithm avoids this problem by using the sparse vector technique combined
with the recent privacy amplification lemma. We also introduce a privacy budget
adaptation strategy in which the algorithm adaptively increases the budget when
it detects that directions pointed by consecutive gradients are drastically
different. Extensive experiments on both convex and non-convex problems show
that the adaptively chosen step sizes allow the proposed algorithm to
efficiently use the privacy budget and show competitive performance against
existing private optimizers.
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