SentiQ: A Probabilistic Logic Approach to Enhance Sentiment Analysis
Tool Quality
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 14:30:00 GMT
- Title: SentiQ: A Probabilistic Logic Approach to Enhance Sentiment Analysis
Tool Quality
- Authors: Wissam Maamar Kouadri, Salima Benbernou, Mourad Ouziri, Themis
Palpanas, Iheb Ben Amor
- Abstract summary: SentiQ is an unsupervised Markov logic Network-based approach that injects the semantic dimension in the tools through rules.
Preliminary experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of SentiQ.
- Score: 13.450001922002478
- License:
- Abstract: The opinion expressed in various Web sites and social-media is an essential
contributor to the decision making process of several organizations. Existing
sentiment analysis tools aim to extract the polarity (i.e., positive, negative,
neutral) from these opinionated contents. Despite the advance of the research
in the field, sentiment analysis tools give \textit{inconsistent} polarities,
which is harmful to business decisions. In this paper, we propose SentiQ, an
unsupervised Markov logic Network-based approach that injects the semantic
dimension in the tools through rules. It allows to detect and solve
inconsistencies and then improves the overall accuracy of the tools.
Preliminary experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of SentiQ.
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