Toward the Fundamental Limits of Imitation Learning
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- Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2020 12:45:52 GMT
- Title: Toward the Fundamental Limits of Imitation Learning
- Authors: Nived Rajaraman, Lin F. Yang, Jiantao Jiao, Kannan Ramachandran
- Abstract summary: Imitation learning (IL) aims to mimic the behavior of an expert policy in a sequential decision-making problem given only demonstrations.
We first consider the setting where the learner is provided a dataset of $N$ expert trajectories ahead of time, and cannot interact with the MDP.
We show that the policy which mimics the expert whenever possible is in expectation $lesssim frac|mathcalS| H2 log (N)N$ suboptimal compared to the value of the expert, even when the expert follows an arbitrary policy.
- Score: 29.87139380803829
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- Abstract: Imitation learning (IL) aims to mimic the behavior of an expert policy in a
sequential decision-making problem given only demonstrations. In this paper, we
focus on understanding the minimax statistical limits of IL in episodic Markov
Decision Processes (MDPs). We first consider the setting where the learner is
provided a dataset of $N$ expert trajectories ahead of time, and cannot
interact with the MDP. Here, we show that the policy which mimics the expert
whenever possible is in expectation $\lesssim \frac{|\mathcal{S}| H^2 \log
(N)}{N}$ suboptimal compared to the value of the expert, even when the expert
follows an arbitrary stochastic policy. Here $\mathcal{S}$ is the state space,
and $H$ is the length of the episode. Furthermore, we establish a suboptimality
lower bound of $\gtrsim |\mathcal{S}| H^2 / N$ which applies even if the expert
is constrained to be deterministic, or if the learner is allowed to actively
query the expert at visited states while interacting with the MDP for $N$
episodes. To our knowledge, this is the first algorithm with suboptimality
having no dependence on the number of actions, under no additional assumptions.
We then propose a novel algorithm based on minimum-distance functionals in the
setting where the transition model is given and the expert is deterministic.
The algorithm is suboptimal by $\lesssim \min \{ H \sqrt{|\mathcal{S}| / N} ,\
|\mathcal{S}| H^{3/2} / N \}$, showing that knowledge of transition improves
the minimax rate by at least a $\sqrt{H}$ factor.
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