QED: A Framework and Dataset for Explanations in Question Answering
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06354v1
- Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2020 23:34:18 GMT
- Title: QED: A Framework and Dataset for Explanations in Question Answering
- Authors: Matthew Lamm, Jennimaria Palomaki, Chris Alberti, Daniel Andor, Eunsol
Choi, Livio Baldini Soares, Michael Collins
- Abstract summary: We release an expert-annotated dataset of QED explanations built upon a subset of the Google Natural Questions dataset.
A promising result suggests that training on a relatively small amount of QED data can improve question answering.
- Score: 27.85923397716627
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: A question answering system that in addition to providing an answer provides
an explanation of the reasoning that leads to that answer has potential
advantages in terms of debuggability, extensibility and trust. To this end, we
propose QED, a linguistically informed, extensible framework for explanations
in question answering. A QED explanation specifies the relationship between a
question and answer according to formal semantic notions such as referential
equality, sentencehood, and entailment. We describe and publicly release an
expert-annotated dataset of QED explanations built upon a subset of the Google
Natural Questions dataset, and report baseline models on two tasks -- post-hoc
explanation generation given an answer, and joint question answering and
explanation generation. In the joint setting, a promising result suggests that
training on a relatively small amount of QED data can improve question
answering. In addition to describing the formal, language-theoretic motivations
for the QED approach, we describe a large user study showing that the presence
of QED explanations significantly improves the ability of untrained raters to
spot errors made by a strong neural QA baseline.
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