Digital Voicing of Silent Speech
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- Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 18:23:35 GMT
- Title: Digital Voicing of Silent Speech
- Authors: David Gaddy and Dan Klein
- Abstract summary: We consider the task of digitally voicing silent speech, where silently mouthed words are converted to audible speech based on electromyography (EMG) sensor measurements.
We introduce a method of training on silent EMG by transferring audio targets from vocalized to silent signals.
Our method greatly improves intelligibility of audio generated from silent EMG compared to a baseline that only trains with vocalized data.
- Score: 48.15708685020142
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we consider the task of digitally voicing silent speech, where
silently mouthed words are converted to audible speech based on
electromyography (EMG) sensor measurements that capture muscle impulses. While
prior work has focused on training speech synthesis models from EMG collected
during vocalized speech, we are the first to train from EMG collected during
silently articulated speech. We introduce a method of training on silent EMG by
transferring audio targets from vocalized to silent signals. Our method greatly
improves intelligibility of audio generated from silent EMG compared to a
baseline that only trains with vocalized data, decreasing transcription word
error rate from 64% to 4% in one data condition and 88% to 68% in another. To
spur further development on this task, we share our new dataset of silent and
vocalized facial EMG measurements.
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