HENIN: Learning Heterogeneous Neural Interaction Networks for
Explainable Cyberbullying Detection on Social Media
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.04576v1
- Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2020 13:44:34 GMT
- Title: HENIN: Learning Heterogeneous Neural Interaction Networks for
Explainable Cyberbullying Detection on Social Media
- Authors: Hsin-Yu Chen, Cheng-Te Li
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel deep model, HEterogeneous Neural Interaction Networks (HENIN), for explainable cyberbullying detection.
HENIN contains the following components: a comment encoder, a post-comment co-attention sub-network, and session-session and post-post interaction extractors.
- Score: 11.443698975923176
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: In the computational detection of cyberbullying, existing work largely
focused on building generic classifiers that rely exclusively on text analysis
of social media sessions. Despite their empirical success, we argue that a
critical missing piece is the model explainability, i.e., why a particular
piece of media session is detected as cyberbullying. In this paper, therefore,
we propose a novel deep model, HEterogeneous Neural Interaction Networks
(HENIN), for explainable cyberbullying detection. HENIN contains the following
components: a comment encoder, a post-comment co-attention sub-network, and
session-session and post-post interaction extractors. Extensive experiments
conducted on real datasets exhibit not only the promising performance of HENIN,
but also highlight evidential comments so that one can understand why a media
session is identified as cyberbullying.
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