Local plasticity rules can learn deep representations using
self-supervised contrastive predictions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.08262v5
- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 10:23:56 GMT
- Title: Local plasticity rules can learn deep representations using
self-supervised contrastive predictions
- Authors: Bernd Illing, Jean Ventura, Guillaume Bellec, Wulfram Gerstner
- Abstract summary: Learning rules that respect biological constraints, yet yield deep hierarchical representations are still unknown.
We propose a learning rule that takes inspiration from neuroscience and recent advances in self-supervised deep learning.
We find that networks trained with this self-supervised and local rule build deep hierarchical representations of images, speech and video.
- Score: 3.6868085124383616
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Learning in the brain is poorly understood and learning rules that respect
biological constraints, yet yield deep hierarchical representations, are still
unknown. Here, we propose a learning rule that takes inspiration from
neuroscience and recent advances in self-supervised deep learning. Learning
minimizes a simple layer-specific loss function and does not need to
back-propagate error signals within or between layers. Instead, weight updates
follow a local, Hebbian, learning rule that only depends on pre- and
post-synaptic neuronal activity, predictive dendritic input and widely
broadcasted modulation factors which are identical for large groups of neurons.
The learning rule applies contrastive predictive learning to a causal,
biological setting using saccades (i.e. rapid shifts in gaze direction). We
find that networks trained with this self-supervised and local rule build deep
hierarchical representations of images, speech and video.
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