Low-Rank Matrix Recovery with Scaled Subgradient Methods: Fast and
Robust Convergence Without the Condition Number
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.13364v2
- Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:09:42 GMT
- Title: Low-Rank Matrix Recovery with Scaled Subgradient Methods: Fast and
Robust Convergence Without the Condition Number
- Authors: Tian Tong, Cong Ma, Yuejie Chi
- Abstract summary: Many problems in data science can be treated as estimating a low-rank from highly incomplete, sometimes even corrupted, observations.
One popular approach is to resort to matrix factorization, where the low-rank matrix factors are optimized via first-order methods over a smooth loss.
- Score: 34.0533596121548
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Many problems in data science can be treated as estimating a low-rank matrix
from highly incomplete, sometimes even corrupted, observations. One popular
approach is to resort to matrix factorization, where the low-rank matrix
factors are optimized via first-order methods over a smooth loss function, such
as the residual sum of squares. While tremendous progresses have been made in
recent years, the natural smooth formulation suffers from two sources of
ill-conditioning, where the iteration complexity of gradient descent scales
poorly both with the dimension as well as the condition number of the low-rank
matrix. Moreover, the smooth formulation is not robust to corruptions. In this
paper, we propose scaled subgradient methods to minimize a family of nonsmooth
and nonconvex formulations -- in particular, the residual sum of absolute
errors -- which is guaranteed to converge at a fast rate that is almost
dimension-free and independent of the condition number, even in the presence of
corruptions. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach when the
observation operator satisfies certain mixed-norm restricted isometry
properties, and derive state-of-the-art performance guarantees for a variety of
problems such as robust low-rank matrix sensing and quadratic sampling.
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