Floquet exceptional contours in Lindblad dynamics with time-periodic
drive and dissipation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.02054v1
- Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 23:05:32 GMT
- Title: Floquet exceptional contours in Lindblad dynamics with time-periodic
drive and dissipation
- Authors: John Gunderson, Jacob Muldoon, Kater W. Murch, Yogesh N. Joglekar
- Abstract summary: We present Floquet analysis of a prototypical qubit whose drive or dissipator strengths are varied periodically.
We find that periodic modulations lead to EP lines at small dissipator strengths, and a rich EP structure in the parameter space.
Our results show that extending Lindblad Liouvillians to the Floquet domain is a new, potentially preferred route to accessing exceptional points.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The dynamics of an isolated quantum system is coherent and unitary. Weak
coupling to the environment leads to decoherence, which is traditionally
modeled with a Lindblad equation for the system's density matrix. Starting from
a pure state, such a system approaches a steady state (mixed or otherwise) in
an underdamped or overdamped manner. This transition occurs at an eigenvalue
degeneracy of a Lindblad superoperator, called an exceptional point (EP), where
corresponding eigenvectors coalesce. Recent years have seen an explosion of
interest in creating exceptional points in a truly quantum domain, driven by
the enhanced sensitivity and topological features EPs have shown in their
classical realizations. Here, we present Floquet analysis of a prototypical
qubit whose drive or dissipator strengths are varied periodically. We consider
models with a single dissipator that generate global loss (phase damping) or
mode-selective loss (spontaneous emission). In all cases, we find that periodic
modulations lead to EP lines at small dissipator strengths, and a rich EP
structure in the parameter space. Our analytical and numerical results show
that extending Lindblad Liouvillians to the Floquet domain is a new,
potentially preferred route to accessing exceptional points in the transient
dynamics towards the Lindblad steady state.
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