On the error exponents of binary state discrimination with composite
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.04645v2
- Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 17:58:17 GMT
- Title: On the error exponents of binary state discrimination with composite
- Authors: Mil\'an Mosonyi, Zsombor Szil\'agyi, Mih\'aly Weiner
- Abstract summary: We show that equality may fail for any of the error exponents even in the classical case.
We also prove equality for various general classes of state discrimination problems.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The trade-off between the two types of errors in binary state discrimination
may be quantified in the asymptotics by various error exponents. In the case of
simple i.i.d. hypotheses, each of these exponents is equal to a divergence
(pseudo-distance) of the two states. In the case of composite hypotheses,
represented by sets of states $R,S$, one always has the inequality
$\mathrm{e}(R\|S)\le \mathrm{E}(R\|S)$, where $\mathrm{e}$ is the exponent,
$\mathrm{E}$ is the corresponding divergence, and the question is whether
equality holds. The relation between the composite exponents and the worst
pairwise exponents may be influenced by a number of factors: the type of
exponents considered; whether the problem is classical or quantum; the
cardinality and the geometric properties of the sets representing the
hypotheses; and, on top of the above, possibly whether the underlying Hilbert
space is finite- or infinite-dimensional.
Our main contribution in this paper is clarifying this landscape
considerably: We exhibit explicit examples for hitherto unstudied cases where
the above inequality fails to hold with equality, while we also prove equality
for various general classes of state discrimination problems. In particular, we
show that equality may fail for any of the error exponents even in the
classical case, if the system is allowed to be infinite-dimensional, and the
alternative hypothesis contains countably infinitely many states. Moreover, we
show that in the quantum case strict inequality is the generic behavior in the
sense that, starting from any pair of non-commuting density operators of any
dimension, and for any of the exponents, it is possible to construct an example
with a simple null-hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis consisting of only
two states, such that strict inequality holds for the given exponent.
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