CDT: Cascading Decision Trees for Explainable Reinforcement Learning
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- Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 10:40:38 GMT
- Title: CDT: Cascading Decision Trees for Explainable Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Zihan Ding, Pablo Hernandez-Leal, Gavin Weiguang Ding, Changjian Li,
Ruitong Huang
- Abstract summary: Cascading Decision Trees (CDTs) apply representation learning on the decision path to allow richer expressivity.
As a second contribution our study reveals limitations of explaining black-box policies via imitation learning with tree-based explainable models, due to its inherent instability.
- Score: 19.363238773001537
- License:
- Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has recently achieved significant advances
in various domains. However, explaining the policy of RL agents still remains
an open problem due to several factors, one being the complexity of explaining
neural networks decisions. Recently, a group of works have used
decision-tree-based models to learn explainable policies. Soft decision trees
(SDTs) and discretized differentiable decision trees (DDTs) have been
demonstrated to achieve both good performance and share the benefit of having
explainable policies. In this work, we further improve the results for
tree-based explainable RL in both performance and explainability. Our proposal,
Cascading Decision Trees (CDTs) apply representation learning on the decision
path to allow richer expressivity. Empirical results show that in both
situations, where CDTs are used as policy function approximators or as
imitation learners to explain black-box policies, CDTs can achieve better
performances with more succinct and explainable models than SDTs. As a second
contribution our study reveals limitations of explaining black-box policies via
imitation learning with tree-based explainable models, due to its inherent
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