End-To-End Dilated Variational Autoencoder with Bottleneck
Discriminative Loss for Sound Morphing -- A Preliminary Study
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.09744v1
- Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 09:47:13 GMT
- Title: End-To-End Dilated Variational Autoencoder with Bottleneck
Discriminative Loss for Sound Morphing -- A Preliminary Study
- Authors: Matteo Lionello and Hendrik Purwins
- Abstract summary: We present a preliminary study on an end-to-end variational autoencoder (VAE) for sound morphing.
Two VAE variants are compared: VAE with dilation layers (DC-VAE) and VAE only with regular convolutional layers (CC-VAE)
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We present a preliminary study on an end-to-end variational autoencoder (VAE)
for sound morphing. Two VAE variants are compared: VAE with dilation layers
(DC-VAE) and VAE only with regular convolutional layers (CC-VAE). We combine
the following loss functions: 1) the time-domain mean-squared error for
reconstructing the input signal, 2) the Kullback-Leibler divergence to the
standard normal distribution in the bottleneck layer, and 3) the classification
loss calculated from the bottleneck representation. On a database of spoken
digits, we use 1-nearest neighbor classification to show that the sound classes
separate in the bottleneck layer. We introduce the Mel-frequency cepstrum
coefficient dynamic time warping (MFCC-DTW) deviation as a measure of how well
the VAE decoder projects the class center in the latent (bottleneck) layer to
the center of the sounds of that class in the audio domain. In terms of
MFCC-DTW deviation and 1-NN classification, DC-VAE outperforms CC-VAE. These
results for our parametrization and our dataset indicate that DC-VAE is more
suitable for sound morphing than CC-VAE, since the DC-VAE decoder better
preserves the topology when mapping from the audio domain to the latent space.
Examples are given both for morphing spoken digits and drum sounds.
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