Efficient Sampling for Predictor-Based Neural Architecture Search
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.12043v1
- Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 11:36:36 GMT
- Title: Efficient Sampling for Predictor-Based Neural Architecture Search
- Authors: Lukas Mauch, Stephen Tiedemann, Javier Alonso Garcia, Bac Nguyen Cong,
Kazuki Yoshiyama, Fabien Cardinaux, Thomas Kemp
- Abstract summary: We study predictor-based NAS algorithms for neural architecture search.
We show that the sample efficiency of predictor-based algorithms decreases dramatically if the proxy is only computed for a subset of the search space.
This is an important step to make predictor-based NAS algorithms useful, in practice.
- Score: 3.287802528135173
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Recently, predictor-based algorithms emerged as a promising approach for
neural architecture search (NAS). For NAS, we typically have to calculate the
validation accuracy of a large number of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), what is
computationally complex. Predictor-based NAS algorithms address this problem.
They train a proxy model that can infer the validation accuracy of DNNs
directly from their network structure. During optimization, the proxy can be
used to narrow down the number of architectures for which the true validation
accuracy must be computed, what makes predictor-based algorithms sample
efficient. Usually, we compute the proxy for all DNNs in the network search
space and pick those that maximize the proxy as candidates for optimization.
However, that is intractable in practice, because the search spaces are often
very large and contain billions of network architectures. The contributions of
this paper are threefold: 1) We define a sample efficiency gain to compare
different predictor-based NAS algorithms. 2) We conduct experiments on the
NASBench-101 dataset and show that the sample efficiency of predictor-based
algorithms decreases dramatically if the proxy is only computed for a subset of
the search space. 3) We show that if we choose the subset of the search space
on which the proxy is evaluated in a smart way, the sample efficiency of the
original predictor-based algorithm that has access to the full search space can
be regained. This is an important step to make predictor-based NAS algorithms
useful, in practice.
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