Improving Solution Quality of Bounded Max-Sum Algorithm to Solve DCOPs
involving Hard and Soft Constraints
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 18:10:14 GMT
- Title: Improving Solution Quality of Bounded Max-Sum Algorithm to Solve DCOPs
involving Hard and Soft Constraints
- Authors: Md. Musfiqur Rahman, Mashrur Rashik, Md. Mamun-or-Rashid and Md.
Mosaddek Khan
- Abstract summary: Bounded Max-Sum (BMS) is a message-passing algorithm that provides approximation solution to a specific form of de-centralized coordination problems.
In particular, BMS algorithm is able to solve problems of this type having large search space at the expense of low computational cost.
- Score: 3.0969191504482243
- License:
- Abstract: Bounded Max-Sum (BMS) is a message-passing algorithm that provides
approximation solution to a specific form of de-centralized coordination
problems, namely Distributed Constrained Optimization Problems (DCOPs). In
particular, BMS algorithm is able to solve problems of this type having large
search space at the expense of low computational cost. Notably, the traditional
DCOP formulation does not consider those constraints that must be
satisfied(also known as hard constraints), rather it concentrates only on soft
constraints. Hence, although the presence of both types of constraints are
observed in a number of real-world applications, the BMS algorithm does not
actively capitalize on the hard constraints. To address this issue, we tailor
BMS in such a way that can deal with DCOPs having both type constraints. In so
doing, our approach improves the solution quality of the algorithm. The
empirical results exhibit a marked improvement in the quality of the solutions
of large DCOPs.
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