Where, What, Whether: Multi-modal Learning Meets Pedestrian Detection
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.10880v1
- Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2020 10:15:39 GMT
- Title: Where, What, Whether: Multi-modal Learning Meets Pedestrian Detection
- Authors: Yan Luo, Chongyang Zhang, Muming Zhao, Hao Zhou, Jun Sun
- Abstract summary: We decompose the pedestrian detection task into textbftextitWhere, textbftextitWhat and textbftextitWhether.
We achieve state-of-the-art results on widely used datasets (Citypersons and Caltech)
- Score: 23.92066492219922
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Pedestrian detection benefits greatly from deep convolutional neural networks
(CNNs). However, it is inherently hard for CNNs to handle situations in the
presence of occlusion and scale variation. In this paper, we propose W$^3$Net,
which attempts to address above challenges by decomposing the pedestrian
detection task into \textbf{\textit{W}}here, \textbf{\textit{W}}hat and
\textbf{\textit{W}}hether problem directing against pedestrian localization,
scale prediction and classification correspondingly. Specifically, for a
pedestrian instance, we formulate its feature by three steps. i) We generate a
bird view map, which is naturally free from occlusion issues, and scan all
points on it to look for suitable locations for each pedestrian instance. ii)
Instead of utilizing pre-fixed anchors, we model the interdependency between
depth and scale aiming at generating depth-guided scales at different locations
for better matching instances of different sizes. iii) We learn a latent vector
shared by both visual and corpus space, by which false positives with similar
vertical structure but lacking human partial features would be filtered out. We
achieve state-of-the-art results on widely used datasets (Citypersons and
Caltech). In particular. when evaluating on heavy occlusion subset, our results
reduce MR$^{-2}$ from 49.3$\%$ to 18.7$\%$ on Citypersons, and from 45.18$\%$
to 28.33$\%$ on Caltech.
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