Variance Reduction on Adaptive Stochastic Mirror Descent
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- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 17:19:41 GMT
- Title: Variance Reduction on Adaptive Stochastic Mirror Descent
- Authors: Wenjie Li, Zhanyu Wang, Yichen Zhang, Guang Cheng
- Abstract summary: We prove that variance reduction reduces SFO complexity of most adaptive mirror descent algorithms and accelerates their convergence.
We check the validity of our claims using experiments in deep learning.
- Score: 23.451652399157002
- License:
- Abstract: In this work, we study the idea of variance reduction applied to adaptive
stochastic mirror descent algorithms in the nonsmooth nonconvex finite-sum
optimization problems. We propose a simple yet generalized adaptive mirror
descent algorithm with variance reduction named SVRAMD and provide its
convergence analysis in different settings. We prove that variance reduction
reduces the SFO complexity of most adaptive mirror descent algorithms and
accelerates their convergence. In particular, our general theory implies that
variance reduction can be applied to algorithms using time-varying step sizes
and self-adaptive algorithms such as AdaGrad and RMSProp. Moreover, the
convergence rates of SVRAMD recover the best existing rates of non-adaptive
variance reduced mirror descent algorithms. We check the validity of our claims
using experiments in deep learning.
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