A (quasi-)polynomial time heuristic algorithm for synthesizing T-depth
optimal circuits
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.03142v6
- Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 10:16:07 GMT
- Title: A (quasi-)polynomial time heuristic algorithm for synthesizing T-depth
optimal circuits
- Authors: Vlad Gheorghiu, Michele Mosca, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay
- Abstract summary: We use nested meet-in-the-middle technique to develop algorithms for synthesizing provably emphdepth-optimal and emphT-depth-optimal circuits.
For synthesizing T-depth-optimal circuits, we get an algorithm with space and time complexity $Oleft(left(4n2right)lceil d/crceilright)$.
Our algorithm has space and time complexity $poly(n,25.6n,d)$ (or $poly(nlog n,
- Score: 1.933681537640272
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: We investigate the problem of synthesizing T-depth optimal quantum circuits
over the Clifford+T gate set. First we construct a special subset of T-depth 1
unitaries, such that it is possible to express the T-depth-optimal
decomposition of any unitary as product of unitaries from this subset and a
Clifford (up to global phase). The cardinality of this subset is at most
$n\cdot 2^{5.6n}$. We use nested meet-in-the-middle (MITM) technique to develop
algorithms for synthesizing provably \emph{depth-optimal} and
\emph{T-depth-optimal} circuits for exactly implementable unitaries.
Specifically, for synthesizing T-depth-optimal circuits, we get an algorithm
with space and time complexity $O\left(\left(4^{n^2}\right)^{\lceil
d/c\rceil}\right)$ and $O\left(\left(4^{n^2}\right)^{(c-1)\lceil
d/c\rceil}\right)$ respectively, where $d$ is the minimum T-depth and $c\geq 2$
is a constant. This is much better than the complexity of the algorithm by Amy
et al.(2013), the previous best with a complexity $O\left(\left(3^n\cdot
2^{kn^2}\right)^{\lceil \frac{d}{2}\rceil}\cdot 2^{kn^2}\right)$, where $k>2.5$
is a constant. We design an even more efficient algorithm for synthesizing
T-depth-optimal circuits. The claimed efficiency and optimality depends on some
conjectures, which have been inspired from the work of Mosca and Mukhopadhyay
(2020). To the best of our knowledge, the conjectures are not related to the
previous work. Our algorithm has space and time complexity $poly(n,2^{5.6n},d)$
(or $poly(n^{\log n},2^{5.6n},d)$ under some weaker assumptions).
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