Statistical Inference for Polyak-Ruppert Averaged Zeroth-order
Stochastic Gradient Algorithm
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 21:22:39 GMT
- Title: Statistical Inference for Polyak-Ruppert Averaged Zeroth-order
Stochastic Gradient Algorithm
- Authors: Yanhao Jin, Tesi Xiao, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian
- Abstract summary: In the last decade, estimating or training in several machine learning models has become synonymous with running gradient algorithms.
We first establish a central limit for Polyak-Ruppert averaged gradient algorithm in the zeroth-order setting.
- Score: 10.936043362876651
- License:
- Abstract: As machine learning models are deployed in critical applications, it becomes
important to not just provide point estimators of the model parameters (or
subsequent predictions), but also quantify the uncertainty associated with
estimating the model parameters via confidence sets. In the last decade,
estimating or training in several machine learning models has become synonymous
with running stochastic gradient algorithms. However, computing the stochastic
gradients in several settings is highly expensive or even impossible at times.
An important question which has thus far not been addressed sufficiently in the
statistical machine learning literature is that of equipping zeroth-order
stochastic gradient algorithms with practical yet rigorous inferential
capabilities. Towards this, in this work, we first establish a central limit
theorem for Polyak-Ruppert averaged stochastic gradient algorithm in the
zeroth-order setting. We then provide online estimators of the asymptotic
covariance matrix appearing in the central limit theorem, thereby providing a
practical procedure for constructing asymptotically valid confidence sets (or
intervals) for parameter estimation (or prediction) in the zeroth-order
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